- Date Released:
- September 29 2016
Components | Summary | Priority | Key |
Channels / Microsites | Unable to edit microsites after upgrade to 8.1.8 | P3 | RDSM-24983 |
Content, Direct Edit | Approving pending content in direct edit locks the content | P3 | RDSM-25128 |
Content | Links no longer show in TinyMCE editor after upgrading to 8.1.8 | P3 | RDSM-24985 |
Content, Database | Special character "(" in "link_text" can cause duplication to fail | P3 | RDSM-24997 |
Content Syncer | Data sync refresh is ending in failure when content has been purged | P3 | RDSM-23705 |
Content Types | Related content navigation objects cannot use alternate content layouts that are in section meta description | P3 | RDSM-24993 |
Direct Edit | Editing content where the content layout uses selective output pulls the content layout code into the content element | P3 | RDSM-24986 |
Direct Edit | Increase uptime for left hand hover menu in direct edit | P3 | RDSM-25140 |
Direct Edit, TinyMCE | TinyMCE changes external links that begin with the same URL as T4 to relative links. It should not. | P3 | RDSM-24609 |
Direct Edit | With media and section/content links in a single paragraph in TinyMCE, the section link is removed when the content is edited in direct edit (IE) | P3 | RDSM-25130 |
Form Builder | If a form contains 2 check boxes, a new content type is created every time submissions are downloaded | P3 | RDSM-25104 |
Form Builder | Option to select 'system users and groups' not showing when creating a form | P3 | RDSM-24268 |
TinyMCE | Adding media and section/content links to a single paragraph in TinyMCE removes the media when editing | P3 | RDSM-24621 |
TinyMCE | Indenting list items doesn't work correctly when they have a custom class applied | P3 | RDSM-12353 |
TinyMCE | Insertion point for media items defaults to beginning of content in IE | P3 | RDSM-20730 |
TinyMCE | TinyMCE now adds the T4 CMS hostname to relative external URLs - It should not | P3 | RDSM-25031 |
Before upgrading
In advance of the upgrade please view the information and Technical Roadmap. Please contact us prior to upgrading we can provide you with the pre and post-upgrade tasks.
Please note that the priorities assigned to bugs differ from those assigned to Client Support tickets:
- P1 - Major rework of product.
- P2 - Major performance change.
- P3 - Regular priority change.
- P4 - Minor change.
- Trivial - Very minor UI changes.