Knowledge Base


Date Released:
June 2 2017


This minor release focuses on fixes for security, Packages and Publish Now performance issues.


Security The "continue" parameter on login page is open to XSS attack P2 RDSM-26763
Workflow 'None' shouldn't be an available option to a child section, if there is a workflow set in a parent section P3 RDSM-20805
Media Library Cannot add a JPG to the media library if the height is 10 pixels and width is 1000 pixels P3 RDSM-26697
Lists, Packages Packages: Unable to use the default value to populate a list element with a sub-list value or when the element type is checkbox P3 RDSM-24791
Packages Packages List elements set incorrectly when use current content types is selected on import for all package types P3 RDSM-26585
Packages When mapping the content type to a file on the server the content is returned twice, this affects imported content and preview P3 RDSM-26579
Packages Channel package fails to Import due to NonUniqueObjectException for a media formatter P3 RDSM-26704
Brokers, Content Types, Page Layout Null pointer exception when previewing & publishing content with an excel to html broker P3 RDSM-21121
Channels / Microsites, Database Editing a microsite - duplicate entries for channel_id in channel_display_period cause a failure which should be handled P3 RDSM-22270
Performance, Preview / Publish Search phase of publish doesn't use hibernate transactions in an efficient manner and results in a slow down P3 RDSM-26614
Workflow Workflow emails should indicate whether they are step start, in progress or step end P3 RDSM-26394
Workflow Workflow emails are not being sent on step end P3 RDSM-22252
Packages PackageCreator adds the default file name to the full url of the zip file during crawling P3 RDSM-26617
Packages Channel packages - Selected sublist values on Multi select lists are not selected on imported content P3 RDSM-25986
Security OAuth authorize implicit decision request should use POST P3 RDSM-26772
Caching, Performance Cache build loads link section information in an inefficient manner causing a slow down when there are many link sections P3 RDSM-26615

Before upgrading

In advance of the upgrade please view the information and Technical Roadmap. Please contact us prior to upgrading we can provide you with the pre and post-upgrade tasks.


Please note that the priorities assigned to bugs differ from those assigned to Client Support tickets:

  • P1 - Major rework of product.
  • P2 - Major performance change. 
  • P3 - Regular priority change. 
  • P4 - Minor change. 
  • Trivial - Very minor UI changes.