Knowledge Base

Terminalfour: 8.2.2

Date Released:
October 16 2017


This release focused on fixes for content types and formbuilder. Please note that official support for Internet Explorer version 9 and 10 has been removed from this version on. Please consult  the supported platforms.


Content Types Content type cannot be created, where the elements begin with special characters and have numbers at the start P3 RDSM-27667
Content Types Updating element size of large content type causing memory issues P3 RDSM-27660
Content Syncer 'Link' property of content syncer mapping removed on save of mappings (after upgrade to 8.2.1) P3 RDSM-27654
Form Builder Hide payment inputs when payment gateway is not configured P3 RDSM-27425
Form Builder Form that has a horizontal rule will always create a new content type P3 RDSM-27317
Form Builder Forms are not retrieved from the form bank if an elements name is a reserved word in MySQL P3 RDSM-27170
Direct Edit Editing content in direct edit causes the content to disappear from direct edit (on a large dataset) P3 RDSM-27096
Form Builder Submissions csv file download, commas not escaped P3 RDSM-26382
Form Builder Previewing a section that has a form in the page layout, 500 error - null pointer exception thrown P3 RDSM-26356
Content Types, Form Builder Form that has two fields with the same name will always create a new content type P3 RDSM-26238
Form Builder Issue with paragraphs when creating forms P3 RDSM-26098
Form Builder Form submissions fail to download when the content type name is too large P3 RDSM-25896

Before upgrading

In advance of the upgrade please view the information and Technical Roadmap. Please contact us prior to upgrading we can provide you with the pre and post-upgrade tasks.


Please note that the priorities assigned to bugs differ from those assigned to Client Support tickets:

  • P1 - Major rework of product.
  • P2 - Major performance change. 
  • P3 - Regular priority change. 
  • P4 - Minor change. 
  • Trivial - Very minor UI changes.