Knowledge Base

Building and developing your site with Terminalfour

Learn to set up and take your site even further with Terminalfour.

A/B Testing in Terminalfour

Developing your Site, Up and Running

A/B Testing is a great way for you to test two variations of your content to judge whether one performs better than another.

Alternate Content Layouts From List

Developing your Site

Allow users to select variations of how their content can be displayed by selecting from options in a list

Cache Busting

Developing your Site

Cache busting ensures users receive updated JS/CSS files by appending version identifiers, avoiding your visitor's browser cache serving outdated resources.

Conditional Link Output

Developing your Site

Use some Handlebars logic in your layouts to ensure the correct link is output when there's both an internal and external link selected.

Conditional Logic Examples

Developing your Site

Your in depth guide to working with conditional logic in Handlebars

Context Aware Layouts

Developing your Site

Output content or navigation objects differently depending on how deep within your site structure the page is or which Page layout is in use.

Create Friendly URLs

Developing your Site

URLs are used by search engines, so it is important that they are human readable and give visitor an indicator of the location of the page.

Creating Canonical URLs with Handlebars

Developing your Site

Canonical URLs tell search engines the preferred web page URLs to index, resolving duplicate content issues and improving SEO.

Custom Page Title

Developing your Site

Custom page titles improve SEO, attract clicks, convey page content, and enhance user experience in search results.

Designing your site in Terminalfour

Developing your Site, Up and Running

This article will help you to understand how pages are constructed in Terminalfour so you can code pages that will work neatly once built in

Developing and Testing in TERMINALFOUR

Developing your Site

How to develop changes to a live website without affecting the site, but still allowing the ability to test the changes.

Direct Edit Development Tips and Tricks

Developing your Site

Learn how you can develop your site to make the most of Direct Edit. Create an editing experience your Content Editors enjoy.

A guide to working with external data

Developing your Site, Useful Tools

Guidelines on the various ways of including data from other systems on your website.

Create Flexible Page Titles

Developing your Site

Title tags are used by search engines and social media as the clickable link, so it is important that it is engaging and accurate.

Formatting Dates and Times

Developing your Site

Need more flexibility in how dates or times are output on your site? This guide has you covered.

Git Integration Tool

Developing your Site

Git Integration Tool

Integrating Ellucian Ethos and Terminalfour

Developing your Site, Useful Tools

This article outlines the steps to integrate Ellucian Ethos with Terminalfour.

List Item As Badges

Developing your Site

Take all the selected values from a List element and output them as visually engaging badge elements.

Output Caption If Image Selected

Developing your Site

Add some logic to your layouts to ensure that Image Captions only get output if an Image is selected

Redesigning an existing website

Developing your Site

There are a few different ways to apply a new design to a site that is already in Terminalfour, depending on the changes required.

Show Fallback Image If No Image Selected

Developing your Site

Ensure a pre-selected alternate version of an image is output if a user doesn't explicitly choose an image.

Guide to updating your site's JavaScript and CSS

Developing your Site

Some examples of ways to test updates to your global CSS and JavaScript on site that is live in TERMINALFOUR.

Using Postman to examine the Ethos data model

Developing your Site, Useful Tools

You can use the Postman API Development Environment app to familiarise yourself with the data model and values.