Knowledge Base

Terminalfour: 8.3.10

Date Released:
July 15 2021


This release brings some big changes and useful refinements.

New login-screen

New login screen

It's been a while since Terminalfour was rebranded, so it's about time that the product reflected it. We've designed a shiny new log-in screen. We hope you like it. The login screen now shows the current version number, so you don't have to go digging in the About screen to see if you're due an upgrade. We've also added the new logo to the top navigation as well. 

Social Poster functionality 

The APIs for the social networks that Social Poster works with changed some time ago. That caused the feature to break. We've updated the integration, so it works as intended, and we'll be keeping an eye out to make sure that the next time there's an API change, we can resolve it sooner.  

Form Builder mail customization 

You might already know that when you add an email field to a form in Form Builder, you can choose to send a confirmation email to that submitted address. This is useful if you want the person who fills out the form to receive confirmation that their submission has been received.

From this version, you can customize the message that appears at the top of this mail. You can also add some HTML too. We've also improved the styling of the submission if a copy of it is included in the mail. 

Media Item delete alert

Want to delete a Media Item but worried it could be used somewhere you hadn't thought? Worry no more. Now you'll get an alert listing all locations where the Media Item is being used.

Content Type name now links in Sections

Ever been in a Section and wanted to edit the Content Type associated with a Content Item? Previously you may have opened a new tab, but now you can click the Content Type name and go straight there.

Floating T4 Tag button

If you've ever edited a long Page or Content Layout and wanted to add T4 Tags, you've probably spent your fair share of time scrolling down to the button and back up again. We've now added a floating T4 Tag button that will be accessible wherever you need it. 

GIF of the floating T4 Tag

Fixes Of Note 

The order of Content Element Types has been improved  (RDSM-31787)

When adding a Content Element to a Content Type, the list of Element Types is now ordered by type. Previously they were listed randomly so it required a good bit of scrolling to find the one you need.

When there's just one Language, you won't see Language options (RDSM-32661)

When just one Language is used, we've removed the Language options. This means that users won’t be confronted with redundant language options that they don't need.



Access rights Cannot set access rights for a user on instance deployed on Oracle P3 RDSM-32417
Authentication Change width of login screen P3 RDSM-32713
Broken Links Report Populating the sections with content is leading to performance issues with broken link checker P3 RDSM-29010
Channels / Microsites Hide the translation disclaimer on channels if there is only one language configured P3 RDSM-31785
Content Notify user before deleting media asset currently is use P3 RDSM-29696
Content Bulk duplicate content, in a section containing a large number of contents takes a very long time for the "Rename content before duplicating (optional)" pop-up/window to appear" P3 RDSM-27942
Content Syncer Errors not logged to tomcat logs when failing P3 RDSM-27348
Content Types Make the Content Type name a link P3 RDSM-32690
Content Types When adding an element to a Content Type, the order of the list of the element types could be improved P3 RDSM-31787
Content Types Error adding the content type - row size too large P3 RDSM-10686
Direct Edit Closing the alert-info box of a content option while in direct-edit closes the content modal P3 RDSM-32641
Form Builder Improve the formatting of user's entries in the Confirmation Mail P3 RDSM-32686
Form Builder Add a way to customise the Confirmation mail - Frontend/Backend P3 RDSM-32685
Form Builder You can select to use a different list on a list based element after you have created the fields from a content type P3 RDSM-32347
Form Builder 500 error in Console when clicking on filename in Submission report P3 RDSM-30226
Form Builder If the formbuilder configuration options have been removed and there is a form tag the publish can fail P3 RDSM-29617
Form Builder Failed submissions do not download but are counted in the total submissions report P3 RDSM-28840
Group Management Oracle19 Power user should not see Create new group button P3 RDSM-32420
Hierarchy Mirrored section not set as inactive when source is set to inactive P3 RDSM-28165
Installer New T4 branding login screen P3 RDSM-32692
Languages Hide language selector in the UI if there's just one language in the system - PM-3195 P3 RDSM-32661
Media Library Deleting media should delete records in the media_usage table using the "media_id" column P3 RDSM-32651
Media Library When editing long Media Items (e.g. CSS), Page Layouts and Content Layouts, there is a lot of scrolling to get to the "Generate T4 Tag" P3 RDSM-31865
Media Library Media in categories not displayed when using the media library modal P3 RDSM-30512
Media Library UI: Cannot middle click (or CTRL + Click) a media item to open it in a new tab P3 RDSM-25520
Media Library Media permitted file types is being ignored P3 RDSM-23683
Page Layout Unable to save page layout if syntax mode is changed P3 RDSM-26841
Product Configuration Clicking on the select media button in html editor config, all plugins vanish from the page until the page is reloaded P3 RDSM-27957
Publish PublishCache getTemplateFormatting throwing an exception when can't find a template leading performance penalty P3 RDSM-32670
Publish publish_file_info and publish_file_link at the end of a publish the update statements should be batched after 1000 to reduce contention P3 RDSM-32045
Publish PublishPersistUtils does not batch delete in groups of 1000 from published_file_info P3 RDSM-31955
Security XSS issue on some fields on transfer config page P3 RDSM-32504
Security Textfield in handlebars allows values that change the mark up P3 RDSM-32473
Social Poster If a social poster t4 tag is invalid and fails to post to socials, the post gets added to the social poster table and cannot be posted manually P3 RDSM-32730
Social Poster It is possible to repost content that has already been posted on the social poster page P3 RDSM-32726
Social Poster Cannot authorize social poster account on LinkedIn P3 RDSM-32694
Social Poster Cannot authorize social poster account on Twitter P3 RDSM-29362
Social Poster Cannot authorize social poster account on Facebook P3 RDSM-29361
Authentication 400 error is triggered whenever you enter long token name i.e. 81 chars or more P4 RDSM-31842
Form Builder Max character length is not displayed on the custom message P4 RDSM-32727
Form Builder When a form is deleted the values are not removed from the form_usage table P4 RDSM-23388
Navigation When hovering mouse over site structure/bookmarks/languages buttons etc. tooltip info is broken into multiple lines P4 RDSM-32795
Product Configuration Config_option table retains text editor records after the editor was deleted P4 RDSM-30413
TinyMCE Can't enable any TinyMCE plugins on additional editors with tinymce in the editor name P4 RDSM-32433
Hierarchy Duplicating a branch, modal has a "Cancel" button instead of "OK" Trivial RDSM-23671

Before upgrading

In advance of the upgrade please view the information and Technical Roadmap. Please contact us prior to upgrading we can provide you with the pre and post-upgrade tasks.


Please note that the priorities assigned to bugs differ from those assigned to Client Support tickets:

  • P1 - Major rework of product.
  • P2 - Major performance change. 
  • P3 - Regular priority change. 
  • P4 - Minor change. 
  • Trivial - Very minor UI changes.