Knowledge Base

T4 tags: Navigation (type="navigation")

Last Modified:
30 Apr 2019
User Level:
Power User

Available from the Content Type and Page Layout tag builder this tag outputs information specified in a Navigation Object.

Navigation tags can be used in Content Layouts, Page Layouts or a Content Item (within a plain text element). Some types of Navigation Objects have restrictions around where and how they can be used, and these are detailed on each separate page about each type of Navigation Object.

Navigation Objects can also be used within List Values, allowing a content author to select an item from a List, determining which Navigation Object is output onto the page. Or, they can be used within Media Items (e.g. JSON files), if the Media Type is configured to parse for T4 tags.

While Navigation Objects work within List Values and Media, this is not intended functionality and is not routinely tested. In addition, Navigation Objects that are used within Lists or Media are not recorded in the Navigation Usage Report. While this approach can be used, it should be used with caution.


<t4 type="navigation" name="A-Z Site Map" id="34" />