Knowledge Base

Advanced configuration

Last Modified:
14 Jan 2020
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Before making changes to the Advanced Configuration Settings, you should be confident you know what you are doing. Applying incorrect settings can impede system performance or render it unusable.

If in doubt, contact TERMINALFOUR support.

The advanced configuration page contains a number of configuration options, grouped into their relevant areas.

Go to System Administration > System Settings > Advanced

Settings are grouped by theme:

Enable reload scheduler Reloads the scheduled tasks after the set number of executions
Number of executions before reload  Sets the number of task executions before the task is restarted
Send email on successful task completion Sends emails to specified recipients to inform them that the task has completed
Enabled Enables the anti-virus filter. This currently supports the anti-virus application called ClamAV. ClamAV needs to be downloaded first for anti-virus to work
Path to executable Sets the file system path to the command line executable. e.g. /usr/bin/clamscan
Parameter Sets the parameters to the command line anti-virus scanner application
Text processor Sets the full class name of the text processor used for the anti-virus scanner. e.g. com.terminalfour.filter.antivirus.textProcessor.ClamAVTextProcessor
Enabled TERMINALFOUR advise enabling this as disabling it can impact performance
Add cache builder times to logs Enter a value of true or false. The time to publish the site is recorded and output to the log files. TERMINALFOUR recommend that this is set to true
Maximum number of threads that will be used during building of cache

Sets the max number of concurrent cache building processes. This applies to loading content type-specific information during cache builds. If not set, the number of available processors in the system is used. e.g. 2.

This should not generally be used unless cache rebuilds are putting pressure on a shared server, in which case setting this value to a smaller number can relieve the pressure on the server.

Don't allow the caching of skin files Disables caching of the skin files. TERMINALFOUR recommends that this is left unchecked.
Skin files location Sets the root location of the skins directory. e.g. /web/dev/sitemanager/support/skins/
Hide warnings about missing content layouts Excludes warnings about missing content layouts from the application server log
Debug automatic publish Outputs the same information to the logs for manual and automatic publishes
Add preview times to logs Logs the time taken to generate the preview page
Debug transfer cleanup Outputs the comparison between the rules defined for upload in transfer sites and the currently transferring directory/extension. These are output to the screen, the transfer log and the application server log files
Debug publishable file creation Outputs the publishable file creation path should an error occur in publishing target files
File management
File store Sets the directory on the server where uploaded files are stored. e.g. /web/sitemanager/contentstore/
Max upload size (KB) Sets the maximum size of files (in kilobytes) which can be uploaded to TERMINALFOUR. Applies to media library and files uploaded via file or image elements. e.g. 50000
temp Sets the directory on the server where temporary files are stored. Must be a valid, writeable, filesystem location. If not set, the application server work directory is used. e.g. /web/sitemanager/temp/
Allow dirty reads Allows a transaction to read data from a row that has been modified by another running transaction and not yet committed
Enable stack traces for database connections Outputs stack traces for database connections. TERMINALFOUR advise enabling this for troubleshooting only
Users with access to query handler Sets the usernames of those users permitted to use the query handler
xForms sections

Enter the section IDs into which xForms post data is allowed. Use a comma-separated list without spaces.

This is a legacy option for TERMINALFOUR xForms, and is not required for Form Builder forms.

xForms content types

Enter the content type IDs into which xForms post data is allowed. Use a comma-separated list without spaces.

This is a legacy option for TERMINALFOUR xForms, and is not required for Form Builder forms.

Application location Sets the location of the TERMINALFOUR application
JS CSS Minification Minifies interface JS and CSS files. Settings can improve application performance


Please note that TERMINALFOUR recommends using an anti-virus web proxy.

The Anti-virus is designed to scan any uploaded files for viruses, either when uploading files directly in content or when uploading files to the Media library. Essentially, this filter is making calls to the operating system to run the configured command line scanner.

If any malicious files are encountered, a message will be displayed in the web browser and the files are not uploaded. If for any reason a critical error occurs trying to scan (such as the AV scan not starting/completing) then all appropriate output is sent to the application server's error log. Currently, there is no log for uploads which were blocked.

The ClamAVTextProcessor class as implemented in TERMINALFOUR is tasked with checking the results of "Standard Out" to process the report provided by ClamScan and interpret the list of infected files (if present). Before that, it consults the status code returned by ClamScan to discover if it completed successfully and if text processing is appropriate.

TERMINALFOUR requires two parameters to Clamscan; the "Text Processor" classname and the "Path To Executable" which are set in the Anti-virus configuration. The clamscan application may require additional parameters to successfully scan (dependent on how you have chosen to install clamscan). If the virus database is not set by system-wide environment variables, it may be necessary to explicitly set it using the -d flag (as shown in the diagram on the configuration page).