Knowledge Base

Audit trail

Last Modified:
27 Nov 2018
User Level:


The audit trail report allows you to search the TERMINALFOUR logs for actions taken in your installation. Use the tools to search the audit trail. You can use as many or as little of the options as you like, there are no required elements.

To search for actions taken by users within the system go to System Administration > System Reports > Audit Trail.

Search tools

Action taken Select a specific action from the list
Start date The date and time to start
End date  The date and time to end
Restrict to user  Select to restrict the search to a specific user 
Section  Select to restrict the search to a specific section 
Restrict to content  Select to restrict the search to specific content
Content ID Enter the content id to restrict the search to specific content 

Click Search audit trail to will display the search results.

Search results

Results matching the search will be displayed in the listing. Results can be sorted and filtered. 

Description  The action taken. Click to view more information.
Section  The full path to the section. Click to edit the section.
Content Name of the content. Click to edit the content.
User The username and full name of the user who took the action e.g. admin (Joe Bloggs)
Action date  The date and time the action was taken e.g. April 4, 2016 9:30 PM

The Actions menu options will vary depending on the type of result:

  1. View more information
  2. Edit content
  3. Edit section

Clicking View more information, displays further information on the action

ID A unique id for the action e.g. 4196
Occurred The date and time the action occurred e.g. October 27, 2017 5:48 AM
Action The action taken e.g. Publish site
Type The type of action e.g. Update
Severity The severity of the action e.g. Information
Message The description of the action e.g. Full Manual Publish publish for channel (Main) started
Remote address  

Download as CSV

Click Download as CSV to download the results in a CSV file that can be opened in Excel.