Knowledge Base

Publish reports

Last Modified:
26 May 2020
User Level:
Power User


Publish reports give information about each channels' publish performance. To access the Publish reports, go to System administration > System reports > Publish reports.

The level of reporting for each channel is configured in the Channel settings, under 'Publish options', and the duration for which publish reports are retained is configured in the Performance & Logging configuration.

Publish data

A listing of previous publishes is displayed. Currently, channel & microsite publishes are listed. In future, publishes for content, section and section branch publishes will be listed.

For each publish, the following is provided:

Channel Name of the channel published, links to publish details
Publish type Scheduled or Manual
Start time Date and time the publish started e.g. June 30, 2017 10:30 AM
Duration Length of time the publish took e.g. 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Result Introduced in 8.2.9. If the publish was successful, a green tick is displayed or if the publish failed, then a red circle with an X in it, is shown
Actions: View details Link to view publish details
Actions: Download log Link to download the log in a text file e.g. PublishReport-11-30_30_Jun_2017.txt
Actions: Download statistics Link to download the statistics in a csv file e.g. PublishStatistics-11-20_30_Jun_2017.csv


Publish reports of deleted Channels cannot be viewed.

Example of the statistics file opened in excel

The "count" column shows the number of times that object is processed within the publish. The "average" column is the average number of milliseconds per instance of that object. Multiply the two columns together to get the approximate length (in milliseconds) that the individual object is adding to the publish duration.

Publish details

A summary is displayed for all publishes and details of sections, content, navigation objects and tag brokers is provided for some publishes.


Start time  Date and time the publish started  Fri, 30 March 2018 11:30:42 
End time Date and time the publish ended  Fri, 30 March 2018 11:30:46  
Preparation  Time it took to prepare the publish  0 seconds  
Publish duration  Time the publish took  3 seconds  
Sections  Total number of sections published 142  
Content items  Total number of content items published  236  
Output threads  Number of threads used during publish  1  
Publish archive sections  Whether archive sections were published  No  
Report type  Level of reporting  Full reporting  
Publish type  Scheduled or Manual Scheduled
TERMINALFOUR version  Version of the product 8.2.9


Section  Section name and link to edit   
Language Publish language  en
Publish time Time to publish the section  0.108 seconds
Content name   Content name and link to edit   
Language Publish language   en
Section ID ID of the section that contains the content  268
Publish time Time to publish the content  0.041 seconds
Navigation objects
Navigation object    Navigation object name, id and link to edit   Children or siblings id: 2 
Language   Publish language    en 
Usage count  Number of times the navigation object was used  144  
Average publish time  Average time to publish the navigation object   0.001 seconds 
Tag brokers
Broker       Excel To HTML Broker 
Language  Publish language  en 
Usage count  Number of times the tag broker was used 
Average publish time   Average time to publish the tag broker  0.011 seconds 

Publish durations

A chart shows recorded publish times, in seconds, for each channel that has been published. Drag across an area on the chart to zoom in to that area.

Publish duration versus content count

A chart shows how publish time is affected by the amount of content in your channel. By default the channel that is published most is shown, but you can select a different channel using the drop down menu.