Knowledge Base

Users and Workflow Configuration

Last Modified:
02 Jun 2022
User Level:


To configure the users and Workflow configuration settings go to System Administration > System Settings > Users and Workflow.

General settings

The General Settings tab has the following options:

Item Description
Check weak passwords

Limits a password to between 8 and 40 characters and prevents the use of dictionary words as passwords.

This applies to local users only and is enabled by default. 

If content is added to a Section which follows a workflow, and the content type used to add the content follows a different Workflow, which workflow should be used? You can assign Workflows to both Sections and Content Types, and this can sometimes create a conflict.
For instance, you might have assigned a Workflow to the Content Type used for Press Releases and you might also have assigned a different Workflow to the Section the Press Releases are added to.
Since the content cannot go through both Workflows, you will specify the Workflow that should be used by selecting the relevant radio button.
Extended user details Content Type Sets the Content Type that contains the additional fields for the user profile
Mail users or group Specifies if the emails are sent to the group email or individuals email
Enable forgotten password Enables users to reset their password at login
Enable visitor user type Enables the visitor user type, which is used for access control on the published site.


In order to be able to send alerts and notifications from TERMINALFOUR, you need to specify at least one mail server in the Mediums tab. Click the Create new medium button and enter the details:

Enabled Enables the medium for use
Name Enter a name
Description Enter a description
Path Sets the IP address or server name
Class Sets the Java class used to dispatch alerts for the medium. This should be a value of com.terminalfour.alert.EmailDispatcher
Username Sets the username used to connect to the server if authentication is required
Password Sets the password used for authentication
Confirm password Sets the password used for authentication
Use TLS? Sets the usage of TLS (Transfer Layer Security). This is a method used to communicate between TERMINALFOUR and the email server and requires configuration within Tomcat
TLS port Sets the port to use when TLS is specified. The default is 587, but confirm this setting as it can be different on your installation
Is this the primary or secondary server? Sets the server as primary or secondary. The primary server is the default server. If the primary server fails the secondary server is used
Choose secondary medium (used if primary fails) Sets the secondary server to use if the primary one fails