Knowledge Base

Content configuration settings

Last Modified:
15 Jan 2020
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To configure the content settings go to System Administration > Hierarchy & Content Settings > Content

Complete these entries and click Save changes:

Content lock timeout Sets the number of minutes before the Content Lock times out.
Channel selection method

Sets the pre-selected Channels when creating or editing content. The options are:

  1. Select all: all of the Channels on the Channels tab are selected.
  2. Select none: none of the Channels on the Channels tab are selected. If this option is chosen, then for each Content Item added, the user will need to select the appropriate Channel(s) for publish.
  3. Select on branch: only Channels where the site root is above the Content Item will be selected. If this option is chosen, then Content Items will only publish on Channels applicable to the Content Item's original location. If the Content Item is moved or mirrored to a different Branch for a different Channel, then the second Channel is not automatically selected and will need to be manually updated.
  4. Select pre-chosen: only the specified Channels in the Selected Channels are selected. If this option is chosen, then the same Channels are selected on the Channel tab for each Content Item, regardless of where the content is placed. This may be applicable if the same branch of the site is published on two Channels, but by default, the Content Item should only be published on one of those Channels.
Selected Channels If the Channel selection method is Select pre-chosen, set the Channels to be selected on the Channel tab for created content.
Enable spell checker Enables the spell check function for plain text elements when creating or editing content.
Inherit owner from parent branch if not set Sets the owner from the parent if it is not set on the Section / Content Item.
Alert administrators on expiration Sends a content expiration notice email to the administrator, for the specified Content Types.
Alert owner on expiration Sends a content expiration notice email to the owner for the specified Content Types.
Choose content types for expiration alert Sets the content types to send alerts when content expires.
Restrict modification of content Restricts editing of a Content Item to members of groups that have access to the Content Type.
Enable warnings on update Sets a warning message to appear when editing a Content Item. The warning message can be configured for each content type.
Allowed file extensions

Restricts the file types that can be uploaded into file elements. Image elements can be configured in the Media Library configuration.

Owing to a bug (RDSM-25236), this currently does not work. A fix is underway.

Default archive Section

Sets a default archive Section to move expired Content Items to. Content Items with an explicit archive Section overrides this default.

Auto mirroring: Enable auto mirroring of content

Enables auto mirroring of Content Items so that content can be automatically mirrored based on value(s) selected from a List element in a Content Type. For each list, select whether to Use as auto mirroring list. If the List is being used, then for each list value, select the Section into which content with that value should be mirrored.

It is possible to "switch off" auto-mirroring when the source content resides in certain Sections or Branches.