Knowledge Base

Events Calendar Configurable Options

Last Modified:
22 May 2019
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There are some configurable options available in the Events Calendar. These can be different for each module or specified just once in the PHP Events Calendar Configuration Content Item. 

Configurable options are specified in the Options fields present in PHP Events Calendar Configuration and PHP Events Calendar View.

The field must be completed using the format "option = value" (followed by a line break)


calendar_start_day = Sunday
default_search = all
parent_search_selector = AND
child_search_selector = AND

If the value inserted is incorrect the setting will not be applied though no warning will be displayed, e.g. default_past should be either true or false if a string is passed (e.g., default_past = test) this will be skipped and the previous setting will be applied)

OptionDescriptionValues (In bold the default one)
default_date_format The default configurable date format. It is also used to read the T4 JSON file.

Do not use the default T4 format.


var start = content.get("Start Date and Time").publish();

Instead, use this (no line break):

var start = BrokerUtils.processT4Tags(dbStatement, publishCache, section, content, language, isPreview, 
'<t4 type="content" name="Start Date and Time" output="selective-output" modifiers="" date_format="dd\\/MM\\/yy HH:mm" format="$value" />');


<t4 type="content" name="Start Date and Time" output="selective-output" modifiers=" date_format="dd\\/MM\\/yy HH:mm" format="$value" />
d/m/y H:i
default_search Sets the default Calendar view when the page is loaded (The user can change this through Calendar Switcher module).
  • all
  • year
  • month
  • week
  • day
default_past Sets whether past events should be shown when a user performs a keyword search.
  • true
  • false
calendar_past Sets whether past events should be shown when viewing the event listing on the calendar page.
  • true
  • false
max_google_short_desc Set the number of characters used to create the short description. 100
always_generate_cache Permits you to bypass the cache directory and instead generates the cache on each page load.
  • false
  • true
cache_directory This can be set only if the system one does not work /tmp
calendar_title The name of the ics file downloaded. EventsCalendar

The separator that appears between parent and child categories

The T4 tag for contextual separator is as follows:

<t4 type="content" name="Event Category" output="normal" delimiter="|" textual-name-separator=">" />

The delimiter that separates multiple categories:

The T4 tag for contextual separator is as follows:

<t4 type="content" name="Event Category" output="normal" delimiter="|" textual-name-separator=">" />
view_for_date_multi This setting permits you to split the multi-events per day. For instance, if you have an event between 02-04 April if true, it will show one instance for 02 April, one for 03 April or one for 04 April.
Otherwise, it will show the event just once the 02 of April.
  • false
  • true
view_for_date_recur This setting permits to display or not multiple recurring events.
For instance, if you have an event that is recurring weekly 02 April, 09 April, 16 April, 23 April and 30 April if true it will show one instance for 02 April, one for 09 April and so on.
Otherwise, it will show the event just once the 02 of April.
  • false
  • true

Permits the searching of Parent Category as combined throw parent category (OR) or strictly the only that have all of the selected values (AND).

it works with child_search_selector

if child_search_selector is AND the parent_search_selector it will be AND anyway (parent = OR and children = AND is not allowed it will be parent = AND and children = AND

  • OR
  • AND

Permits searching of Child Category as combined throw parent category (OR) or strictly the only that have all of the selected values (AND).

It the same of parent_search_selector just through children

  • OR
  • AND
calendar_start_day Sets the first day of the week (for week view, month view and calendars).
  • Monday
  • Sunday
calendar_week_heading Displays the large calendar weekday. It takes the PHP format (ex. Monday, Tuesday). %A
calendar_fill_dates If true, extra days outside of the currently displayed month are displayed in the calendar view and mini calendar.
  • true
  • false
calendar_fill_day_class The class of fill day (see calendar_fill_dates option) in the calendar view or mini calendar. Allows you to style the days outside of the current month with a different color or style. fillday
calendar_event_exists_class The class name of the current month day in the calendar view or mini calendar. Allows you to style the days within the current month with a different color or style. thismonth viewrange
calendar_today_class The class name of the current day in the calendar view or mini view. Allows you to style the current day with a different color or style. today
google_cache_refresh_time Variable used to identify the time where the curl connection to the Google Calendar will be done again (e.g. 10 seconds, 5 minutes) 1 day
ical_cache_refresh_time Variable used to identify the time where the curl connection to the iCal URLs will be done again (e.g. 10 seconds, 5 minutes) 1 day


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